लेखक - रबीन्द्रनाथ ठाकुर Writer - Rabindranath Tagore
स्वर - समीर गोस्वामी Narration - Sameer Goswami
3 years, 3 months ago - 18 plays
SynTalk thinks about the past, present and the future of water, and its
dialectical relationship with Earth and life. We enter the worlds of rain,
snow, ocean, monsoon, subterranean & surface rivers, dams, volcanoes, canals,
lakes, estuaries, mountains, polar regions, and drains. What exactly is a
river? Is water the same everywhere? The concepts are derived off / from
Thales, Anaximander, Pierre Perrault, & Edme Mariotte, among others. We think
of water both as an element and a compound. What would water be as a ‘ground’
of design and thinking, given that we are so wedded to the fixed dimensions of
terra firma? How water is open, fluid (in space & time), and relative, and
always retains its identity (?). Why are maps blue only somewhere, when water
is everywhere? Do we privilege one moment in time (as rivers) in the
hydrological cycle? Can we challenge ourselves to live in moments of (say) the
rain or evaporation? Is there a need to include soil moisture in our
imagination? How the sun is the essential driver of the water cycle, even
though sunlight penetrates only till about ~100 metres in the sea. Do rivers
also need water? How water is a lot more than H2O, with dissolved & suspended
loads, nutrients, isotopic content, and microbial life. How & why rivers keep
changing their dendritic courses? Are rivers fundamentally a series of holding
& overflow systems, rather than systems with a source and a destination? How
the ‘main stream’ of certain rivers may have been fallaciously justified
historically by the surveyors? How stagnant water can be anti life. Have we
(contextually) subjugated and privileged water, and told it: ‘be there, don’t
come here’? Are floods a problem? Why do we channelize rivers, when water
finds its own level? Is the earth losing water? When did it first rain on
earth, and did rains come much before the rivers? The links between ~11 days,
Cameroon’s Lake Nyos disaster, Catcher in the Rye, stream orders, The Big
Muddy, photolysis, fair weather, Nile floods, run-offs, Sun, ecological
cycles, electricity, Avogadro’s number, gravity, & independence. How water
acts as Earth’s thermostat, & also helps the planet self sustain. Why doesn’t
water vapour heat the earth up despite being a powerful greenhouse gas? Are
there some water molecules that have never left the deep oceans or the
atmosphere? How variation (a feature, & not a bug) is the life of water flow.
What would happen if 100% of the rivers were dammed; could nature strike back?
Can/should we simulate nature? Should dams be undone? Can future be a place of
liberated water, with dissolved lines between land and water? The SynTalkrs
are: Prof. Dilip da Cunha (architecture, design, University of Pennsylvania,
Philadelphia), Shripad Dharmadhikary (social & environmental activism, Manthan
Adhyayan Kendra, Pune), & Prof. Ramesh Rengaswamy (paleoclimatology,
oceanography, PRL, Ahmedabad).
9 years, 3 months ago - 2 plays
धर्मबुद्धि और पापबुद्धि दो मित्रों की कहानी है, जो एक गाँव में रहते है ।
पापबुद्धि धन का लोभी होता है और वह धर्मबुद्धि के पैसे चुरा लेता है । आगे क्या
होता है ? सुनिए इस कहानी को । अब आप ऐपल पॉडकास्ट, Google पॉडकास्ट, स्टिचर,
सावन, कास्टबॉक्स, हुबहॉपर, स्टोरियोह, और कई अन्य वेबसाइटों और ऐप्स पर आप
बालगाथा हिंदी पॉडकास्ट सुनते हैं। Listen to the story of two friends-
Dharmabuddhi and Paapabuddhi, who live in a village. Paapabuddhi is greedy and
decides to rob his friend. What happens next? Listen to learn more.
5 years, 7 months ago - 171 plays
Become privy to one of the army’s most efficient framework approaches: the Z-KITBAG! Raghu elaborates on this acronym and talks about how this structured approach can be used in any scenario- whether you are preparing for a talk or mobilizing your team for a launch.
My third guest on the Play to Potential Podcast series is Captain Raghu Raman. Raghu Raman has possibly one of the most unique career profiles spanning over 25 years. He spent eleven years as an officer in the Indian Armed Forces, followed by another eleven years in the corporate sector before joining the Government as CEO of the National Intelligence Grid.
Raghu started his career with the Indian Army. During his stint, he was in active combat in Punjab battling terrorists and in Siachen Glacier facing Pakistani troops. He has served as a UN peacekeeper, as well as been an instructor teaching leadership and strategy to officers at the prestigious School of Armoured Warfare.
After leaving the Indian Army, Raghu joined the Mahindra Group in 1998 and helped set up Mahindra United World College. Over the next ten years he led various companies, including First Choice, Mahindra SSG and finally DLSI, a Mahindra joint venture with British Aerospace before being handpicked to create and head the National Intelligence Grid, Ministry of Home Affairs in the Government of India. After his five year stint as the founding CEO of NATGRID, Raman joined Reliance Industries as Group President, Risk, Security & New Ventures.
Raghu is a Distinguished Fellow at the Observer Research Foundation, a frequent guest faculty in business schools, keynote speaker and columnist on National Security Strategy and Leadership in leading publications. He is also the author of “Everyman’s War” - a book published by Random House.
We spoke about a range of topics including How people should think about a career in the Armed Forces, How Armed Forces Officers should think about transitioning to other cultures, How the corporate world could benefit from some of the concepts in the Armed Forces.
Deepak is a Leadership Advisor and an Executive Coach. He works with leaders to improve their effectiveness and in helping them make better decisions specifically around organisational and career transitions. He currently runs Transition Insight (www.transitioninsight.com) and works with leaders to handle phases of transition thoughtfully. He has worked as an Operations Consultant with KPMG in UK, Strategy Consultant with McKinsey in the US and as a Leadership Consultant with EgonZehnder (a Swiss Leadership Advisory firm) where he helped companies recruit CEOs, CXOs and Board Members and worked on Leadership Development. Deepak is a certified CEO Coach and is an alumnus of IIT Madras, IIM Ahmedabad and London Business School. His detailed profile can be found at https://in.linkedin.com/in/djayaraman
All content and opinions expressed in the podcast are that of the guests and are not necessarily the opinions of Deepak Jayaraman and Transition Insight Private Limited. The primary purpose of this podcast is for people to learn and make thoughtful career and leadership choices.
Views expressed in comments to blog are the personal opinions of the author of the comment. They do not necessarily reflect the views of The Company or the author of the blog. Participants are responsible for the content of their comments and all comments that are posted are in the public domain.
The Company reserves the right to monitor, edit, and/or publish any submitted comments. Not all comments may be published. Any third party comments published are third party information and The Company takes no responsibility and disclaims all liability The Company reserves the right, but is not obligated to monitor and delete any comments or postings at any time without notice.
7 years, 8 months ago - 23 plays
लेकिन मुंशी जी भी चतुर खिलाड़ी थे। तुरंत घर से थोड़ा-सा दाना मँगवाया और घोड़े
के सामने रख दिया। घोड़े ने इधर बहुत दिनों से दाने की सूरत न देखी थी ! बड़ी
रुचि से खाने लगा और तब कृतज्ञ नेत्रों से मुंशी जी की ओर ताका, मानो अनुमति दी
कि मुझे आपके साथ चलने में कोई आपत्ति नहीं है। मुंशी जी के द्वार पर बाजे बज रहे
थे। वर वस्त्राभूषण पहने हुए घोड़े की प्रतीक्षा कर रहा था। मुहल्ले की स्त्रियाँ
उसे विदा करने के लिए आरती लिये खड़ी थीं। पाँच बज गये थे। सहसा मुंशी जी घोड़ा
लाते हुए दिखायी दिये। बाजेवालों ने आगे की तरफ क़दम बढ़ाया। एक आदमी मीर साहब के
घर से दौड़ कर साज लाया। घोड़े को खींचने की ठहरी, मगर वह लगाम देख कर मुँह फेर
लेता था। मुंशी जी ने चुमकारा-पुचकारा, पीठ सहलायी, फिर दाना दिखलाया। पर घोड़े
ने मुँह तक न खोला, तब उन्हें क्रोध आ गया। ताबड़तोड़ कई चाबुक लगाये। घोड़े ने
जब अब भी मुँह में लगाम न ली, तो उन्होंने उसके नथनों पर चाबुक के बेंत से कई बार
मारा। नथनों से ख़ून निकलने लगा। घोड़े ने इधर-उधर दीन और विवश आँखों से देखा।
समस्या कठिन थी। इतनी मार उसने कभी न खायी थी। मीर साहब की अपनी चीज़ थी। यह इतनी
निर्दयता से कभी न पेश आते थे। सोचा मुँह नहीं खोलता तो नहीं मालूम और कितनी मार
पड़े। लगाम ले ली। फिर क्या था, मुंशी जी की फ़तह हो गयी। उन्होंने तुरंत जीन भी
कस दी। दूल्हा कूद कर घोड़े पर सवार हो गया। जब वर ने घोड़े की पीठ पर आसन जमा
लिया, तो घोड़ा मानो नींद से जागा। विचार करने लगा, थोड़े-से दाने के बदले अपने
इस स्वत्व से हाथ धोना एक कटोरे कढ़ी के लिए अपने जन्मसिद्ध अधिकारों को बेचना
है। उसे याद आया कि मैं कितने दिनों से आज के दिन आराम करता रहा हूँ, तो आज क्यों
यह बेगार करूँ ? ये लोग मुझे न जाने कहाँ ले जायँगे, लौंडा आसन का पक्का जान
पड़ता है, मुझे दौड़ायेगा, एँड़ लगायेगा, चाबुक से मार-मार कर अधमुँआ कर देगा,
फिर न जाने भोजन मिले या नहीं। यह सोच-विचार कर उसने निश्चय किया कि मैं यहाँ से
क़दम न उठाऊँगा। यही न होगा मारेंगे, सवार को लिये हुए ज़मीन पर लोट जाऊँगा। आप
ही छोड़ देंगे। मेरे मालिक मीर साहब भी तो यहीं कहीं होंगे। उन्हें मुझ पर इतनी
मार पड़ती कभी पसंद न आयेगी कि कल उन्हें कचहरी भी न ले जा सकूँ। वर ज्यों ही
घोड़े पर सवार हुआ स्त्रियों ने मंगलगान किया, फूलों की वर्षा हुई। बारात के लोग
आगे बढ़े। मगर घोड़ा ऐसा अड़ा कि पैर ही नहीं उठाता। वर उसे एँड लगाता है, चाबुक
मारता है, लगाम को झटके देता है, मगर घोड़े के क़दम मानों ज़मीन में ऐसे गड़ गये
हैं कि उखड़ने का नाम नहीं लेते।
5 years, 11 months ago - 12 plays
Peturam is fasting today. He won't eat much! Really??
Written by Dr. Trilokinath Brajwal
Narrated by **Asawari Doshi**
Thanks to e-initiative by Maharashtra State Bureau of Textbook Production &
Curriculum Research, Pune.
**Story's Video:**[
**Listen to the podcast:**
Watch Videos:
3 years, 7 months ago - 30 plays
Prakash Iyer is a best-selling author, motivational speaker and a leadership coach. Before he officially became a member of the “Gig economy”, he was the Managing Director of Kimberly-Clark Lever. Prior to that he the Managing Director and CEO of Infomedia India Limited (formerly Tata Infomedia). Prior to that, Prakash was Executive Director at PepsiCo, responsible for the company’s operations in South India and Sri Lanka. He later moved to PepsiCo China as Regional Vice President. He is an alumnus of IIM Ahmedabad and he spent the formative years of his career with HindustanUnilever Limited. Prakash speaks and writes extensively on motivation, leadership, teamwork and winning. His two books – The Habit of Winning and The Secret of Leadership – are national best-sellers. He has recently launched his third book – You too can – where he has interviewed ~20 entrepreneurs and distilled leadership lessons from their journeys.
Deepak is a Leadership Advisor and an Executive Coach. He works with leaders to improve their effectiveness and in helping them make better decisions specifically around organisational and career transitions. He currently runs Transition Insight (www.transitioninsight.com) and works with leaders to handle phases of transition thoughtfully. He has worked as an Operations Consultant with KPMG in UK, Strategy Consultant with McKinsey in the US and as a Leadership Consultant with EgonZehnder (a Swiss Leadership Advisory firm) where he helped companies recruit CEOs, CXOs and Board Members and worked on Leadership Development. Deepak is a certified CEO Coach and is an alumnus of IIT Madras, IIM Ahmedabad and London Business School. His detailed profile can be found at https://in.linkedin.com/in/djayaraman
All content and opinions expressed in the podcast are that of the guests and are not necessarily the opinions of Deepak Jayaraman and Transition Insight Private Limited.
Views expressed in comments to blog are the personal opinions of the author of the comment. They do not necessarily reflect the views of The Company or the author of the blog. Participants are responsible for the content of their comments and all comments that are posted are in the public domain.
The Company reserves the right to monitor, edit, and/or publish any submitted comments. Not all comments may be published. Any third party comments published are third party information and The Company takes no responsibility and disclaims all liability. The Company reserves the right, but is not obligated to monitor and delete any comments or postings at any time without notice.
7 years, 4 months ago - 2 plays
RJ Raunac AKA Bauaa calls someone yet another time bragging about his wealth
and TESLA! See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.
3 years, 1 month ago - 6 plays
This week on Cyrus Says we have actor, host, and overall fun person Rytasha
Rathore. Cyrus and Rytasha talk about:
* Her life in Singapore
* Going to the same school as Cyrus
* Rytasha's "dudebro" voice
* Doing theater and getting a college degree in acting
* Her break on 'Badho Bahu'
* Sex positivity and the VICE India documentary 'Sex Rated'
Follow Rytasha on instagram at [
You can watch all episodes of 'Sex Rated' [
Do send in AMA questions for Cyrus by tweeting them to **@cyrussaysin** or
e-mailing them to [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected])
Follow Cyrus Says on Facebook:
5 years, 10 months ago - 6 plays
It's the 300th episode of Cyrus Says! To mark this milestone we bring back the
original gang of MTV VJ’s - Malaika Arora, Nikhil Chinapa and of course Cyrus
Broacha. Look out for tons of fun, laughter and nostalgia on this reunion.
From funny anecdotes about thongs, hoardings, award shows, countdowns and
'Roadies' to insights about the early days of Indian television and audience
behaviour, this episode is a fine balance of fun and insight. Amit joins the
trio for the AMA's and the fun multiplies.
* * *
Do send in AMA questions for Cyrus by tweeting them to @cyrussaysin or
e-mailing them to [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected])
Follow Cyrus Says on Facebook:
6 years ago - 14 plays
Listen to this story about a little boy Sabu and Jojo the giraffe on
Baalgatha-Marathi Podcast. This story is from Pratham Books' Storyweaver
Collection. साबू आणि जोोजो जिराफ या लहान मुलाबद्दलची ही गोष्ट ऐका. ही कथा
प्रथम पुस्तके 'स्टोरीवेव्हर कलेक्शन' मधली आहे. बालगथा मराठी पॉडकास्टवर ही कथा
ऐका. आपण ऍपल पॉडकास्ट, Google पॉडकास्ट,ट्यूनइन, रेडिओ पब्लिक, स्पॉटिफ़ाई ,
स्टिचर आणि कास्टबॉक्सवर बालगथा-मराठी पॉडकास्ट ऐकु शकता. अधिक जाणून घेण्यासाठी
gaathastory.com/podcasts ला भेट द्या. You can subscribe to Baalgatha-Marathi
podcast on Apple Podcast, Google Podcasts, Stitcher, Castbox,TuneIn, Radio
Public, and Spotify. Visit gaathastory.com/podcasts to learn more.
5 years, 8 months ago - 17 plays
वयं रक्षाम: में प्राग्वेदकालीन जातियों के सम्बन्ध में सर्वथा अकल्पित अतर्कित
नई स्थापनाएं हैं , मुक्त सहवास है, विवसन विचरण है, हरण और पलायन ह। शिश्नदेव की
उपासना है, वैदिक - अवैदिक अश्रुत मिश्रण है। नर - मांस की खुले बाजार में बिक्री
है, नृत्य है, मद है, उन्मुख अनावृत यौवन है ।
इस उपन्यास में प्राग्वेदकालीन नर, नाग, देव, दैत्य-दानव, आर्य-अनार्य आदि विविध
नृवंशों के जीवन के वे विस्तृत-पुरातन रेखाचित्र हैं, जिन्हें धर्म के रंगीन शीशे
में देख कर सारे संसार ने अंतरिक्ष का देवता मान लिया था। मैं इस उपन्यास में
उन्हें नर रूप में आपके समक्ष उपस्थित करने का साहस कर रहा हूँ। आज तक कभी मनुष्य
की वाणी से न सुनी गई बातें, मैं आपको सुनाने पर आमादा हूँ।....उपन्यास में मेरे
अपने जीवन-भर के अध्ययन का सार है।...
आचार्य चतुरसेन
उपन्यास - वयं रक्षाम: Novel - Vayam Rakshamah
लेखक - आचार्य चतुरसेन शास्त्री Writer - Acharya Chatursen Shastri
स्वर - समीर गोस्वामी Narration - Sameer Goswami
2 years, 1 month ago - 4 plays
On this episode of Anything But Bollywood Neha is in the studio with actor
Shahnawaz Bhat who starred in the film 'Half Widow' which was screened at the
19th Mumbai International Film Festival. Listen in as Shahnawaz talks about
growing up in Kashmir, the lack of opportunities for artists there, and range
of experiences working on indies like 'Harud' to a mainstream Bollywood film
like 'Bajrangi Bhaijaan'.
00:48 Shanawaaz Intro
01:24 How did acting happen?
02:43 Preparation for 'Harud'
05:10 Growing up in Kashmir
08:18 Learning from Aamir Bashir
09:49 Festival experience
11:39 Kashmiri language/audience
16:02 Experience on 'Half-widow'
18:32 Acting & relatability
19:50 Experience on 'Bajrangi Bhaijaan'
22:20 Biding time between roles
24:26 State of filmmaking in Kashmir
26:14 The story of 'disappeared men'
30:01 Has perspective changed?
34:32 Role of art & creativity in Kashmir
35:40 Dealing with fear in a conflict zone
38:40 Ideal roles
40:00 Pointers for directors & actors
42:46 Recommendation
Check out Shahnawaz's body of work here:
6 years, 4 months ago - 6 plays
एक रोज वह शाम के वक्त किसी नदी के किनारे खस्ताहाल पड़ा हुआ था। बेखुदी के नशे
से चौंका तो क्या देखता है कि चन्दन की एक चिता बनी हुई है और उस पर एक युवती
सुहाग के जोड़े पहने सोलहों सिंगार किये बैठी हुई है। उसकी जाँघ पर उसके प्यारे
पति का सर है। हज़ारों आदमी गोल बाँधे खड़े हैं और फूलों की बरखा कर रहे हैं।
यकायक चिता में से खुद-ब-खुद एक लपट उठी। सती का चेहरा उस वक्त एक पवित्र भाव से
आलोकित हो रहा था। चिता की पवित्र लपटें उसके गले से लिपट गयीं और दम-के-दम में
वह फूल-सा शरीर राख का ढेर हो गया। प्रेमिका ने अपने को प्रेमी पर न्योछावर कर
दिया और दो प्रेमियों के सच्चे, पवित्र, अमर प्रेम की अन्तिम लीला आँख से ओझल हो
गयी। जब सब लोग अपने घरों को लौटे तो दिलफ़िगार चुपके से उठा और अपने चाक-दामन
कुरते में यह राख का ढेर समेट लिया और इस मुट्ठी भर राख को दुनिया की सबसे अनमोल
चीज़ समझता हुआ, सफलता के नशे में चूर, यार के कूचे की तरफ चला। अबकी ज्यों-ज्यों
वह अपनी मंज़िल के क़रीब आता था, उसकी हिम्मतें बढ़ती जाती थीं। कोई उसके दिल में
बैठा हुआ कह रहा था-अबकी तेरी जीत है और इस ख़याल ने उसके दिल को जो-जो सपने
दिखाए उनकी चर्चा व्यर्थ है। आख़िकार वह शहर मीनोसवाद में दाख़िल हुआ और दिलफ़रेब
की ऊँची ड्योढ़ी पर जाकर ख़बर दी कि दिलफ़िगार सुर्ख़-रू होकर लौटा है और हुज़ूर
के सामने आना चाहता है। दिलफ़रेब ने जाँबाज़ आशिक़ को फ़ौरन दरबार में बुलाया और
उस चीज़ के लिए, जो दुनिया की सबसे बेशक़ीमत चीज़ थी, हाथ फैला दिया। दिलफ़िगार
ने हिम्मत करके उसकी चाँदी जैसी कलाई को चूम लिया और मुठ्ठी भर राख को उसकी हथेली
में रखकर सारी कैफ़ियत दिल को पिघला देने वाले लफ़्जों में कह सुनायी और सुन्दर
प्रेमिका के होठों से अपनी क़िस्मत का मुबारक फ़ैसला सुनने के लिए इन्तज़ार करने
लगा। दिलफ़रेब ने उस मुठ्ठी भर राख को आँखों से लगा लिया और कुछ देर तक विचारों
के सागर में डूबे रहने के बाद बोली-ऐ जान निछावर करने वाले आशिक़ दिलफ़िगार! बेशक
यह राख जो तू लाया है, जिसमें लोहे को सोना कर देने की सिफ़त है, दुनिया की बहुत
बेशक़ीमत चीज़ है और मैं सच्चे दिल से तेरी एहसानमन्द हूँ कि तूने ऐसी अनमोल भेंट
मुझे दी। मगर दुनिया में इससे भी ज़्यादा अनमोल कोई चीज़ है, जा उसे तलाश कर और
तब मेरे पास आ। मैं तहेदिल से दुआ करती हूँ कि खुदा तुझे कामयाब करे। यह कहकर वह
सुनहरे परदे से बाहर आयी और माशूक़ाना अदा से अपने रूप का जलवा दिखाकर फिर नजरों
से ओझल हो गयी। एक बिजली थी कि कौंधी और फिर बादलों के परदे में छिप गयी। अभी
दिलफ़िगार के होश-हवास ठिकाने पर न आने पाये थे कि चोबदार ने मुलायमियत से उसका
हाथ पकडक़र यार के कूचे से उसको निकाल दिया और फिर तीसरी बार वह प्रेम का पुजारी
निराशा के अथाह समुन्दर में गोता खाने लगा।
5 years, 10 months ago - 166 plays
लेखक - रबीन्द्रनाथ ठाकुर Writer - Rabindranath Tagore
स्वर - समीर गोस्वामी Narration - Sameer Goswami
3 years, 5 months ago - 10 plays
What was it like to rescue Indian hostages from Taliban-controlled Afghanistan
almost 20 years ago? Retired R&AW officer Anand Arni takes us behind the
scenes of the hijacking of Indian Airlines Flight IC814 in 1999.
[**Anand Arni**](http://takshashila.org.in/team/anand-arni/) joins [ **Pranay
Kotasthane**](https://twitter.com/pranaykotas) and host Pavan Srinath on
Episode 70 of The Pragati Podcast. Mr Arni is a Distinguished Fellow and
Advisor at the Takshashila Institution, and retired as the Special Secretary
in the Cabinet Secretariat. He served for over 37 years in the Research and
Analysis Wing (R&AW), India's external intelligence agency. He was a part of
the hostage rescue team during the Flight IC814 hijacking crisis.
In this episode, Anand Arni recounts his journey of being sent to Kandahar
along with Ajit Doval, Vivek Katju, CD Sahay and Nehchal Sandhu. He shares
absurd and hilarious things that happened, even as hostages were successfully
Have any questions or comments? Write in to
[[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]). If you are
interested in public policy or international relations, check out courses by
the Takshashila Institution at
[takshashila.org.in/education](http://takshashila.org.in/education). Several
courses are starting in January 2019.
Follow Pragati on Twitter:
5 years, 10 months ago - 2 plays
India is a complex country. The last few decades have been full of tumult. How does one make sense of it all? Raghu Sanjaylal Jaitley joins Amit Varma in episode 214 of The Seen and the Unseen to talk about the many frames he uses to look at our politics, economics, culture and Dilip Kumar. Also check out : 1. Anticipating the Unintended -- Pranay Kotasthane and Raghu Sanjaylal Jaitley's newsletter. 2. Dil Hai Ki Manta Nahin , featuring Raghu Jaitley. 3. _http://youtube.com/watch?v=0LfpLOjJlo" target="new">Jo Jeeta Wohi Sikandar , featuring Sanjay Lal. 4. _It Happened One Night_. 5. Persuasion -- Yascha Mounk's newsletter. 6. _https://www.amazon.in/Coddling- American-Mind-Intentions- Generation/dp/0735224897/ref=sr_1_1?crid=3STD1PM1L2AK5&dchild=1&keywords=coddling+of+american+mind&qid=1614469790&sprefix=coddling+%2Caps%2C256&sr=8-1" target="new">The Coddling of the American Mind_ -- Greg Lukianoff and Jonathan Haidt. 7. https://indiauncut.substack.com/p/a-meditation-on- form" target="new">A Meditation on Form -- Amit Varma. 8. _https://www.amazon.in/Public-Opinion-Walter-Lippmann- ebook/dp/B015P4F71W/ref=sr_1_1?keywords=public+opinion&qid=1614469954&sr=8-1" target="new">Public Opinion_ -- Walter Lippman. 9. https://www.thinkpragati.com/history/2376/world-outside-pictures- heads/" target="new">The World Outside and the Pictures in our Heads -- Walter Lippman. 10. https://seenunseen.in/episodes/2021/2/21/episode-213-a-venture- capitalist-looks-at-the-world/" target="new">A Venture Capitalist Looks at the World -- Episode 213 of The Seen and the Unseen (w Sajith Pai). 11. Puliyabaazi -- Saurabh Chandra and Pranay Kotasthane's podcast. 12. https://ivmpodcasts.com/puliyabaazi-episode- list/2019/5/16/ep-37-" target="new">ये लिबरल आख़िर है कौन? -- Episode 37 of Puliyabaazi (w Amit Varma). 13. https://indiauncut.com/remembering- frederic-bastiat/" target="new">Remembering Frédéric Bastiat (2007) -- Amit Varma. 14. The Candemakers' Petition -- Frédéric Bastiat. 15\. Frédéric Bastiat's writings at Bastiat.org and https://www.amazon.in/Frederic- Bastiat/e/B000APR1CK?ref=sr_ntt_srch_lnk_1&qid=1614470990&sr=8-1" target="new">Amazon. 16\. Also on Amazon, the books of Friedrich Hayek and https://www.amazon.in/Ludwig-von- Mises/e/B000APA2Y4?ref=sr_ntt_srch_lnk_5&qid=1614471277&sr=1-5" target="new">Ludwig von Mises. 17. _https://www.amazon.in/Imagined-Communities- Reflections-Origin-Nationalism- ebook/dp/B00G2DO172/ref=sr_1_2?crid=3NJWR3051ELH8&keywords=benedict+anderson+imagined+communities&qid=1614471317&sprefix=benedict+an %2Cdigital-text%2C265&sr=8-2" target="new">Imagined Communities_ -- Benedict Anderson. 18. https://seenunseen.in/episodes/2020/10/11/episode-194-the-first- assault-on-our-constitution/" target="new">The First Assault on Our Constitution -- Episode 194 of The Seen and the Unseen (w Tripurdaman Singh). 19. https://seenunseen.in/episodes/2020/3/8/episode-163-who-broke-our- republic/" target="new">Who Broke Our Republic? -- Episode 163 of The Seen and the Unseen (w Kapil Komireddi). 20. The Emotional Dog and its Rational Tail -- Jonathan Haidt. 21. https://seenunseen.in/episodes/2019/7/29/episode-131-political- ideology-in-india/" target="new">Political Ideology in India -- Episode 131 of The Seen and the Unseen (w Rahul Verma). 22. https://www.amazon.in/Three-Languages- Politics-Talking-Political- ebook/dp/B07S1RRCHZ/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=arnold+kling&qid=1614471640&sr=8-1" target="new">The Three Languages of Politics -- Arnold Kling. 23. Naya Daur , the anti- Nehruvian film from 1957. 24. _https://www.amazon.in /NehruS-Hero-Dilip-Kumar- India/dp/9351941485/ref=sr_1_4?dchild=1&keywords=meghnad+desai&qid=1614471796&sr=8-4" target="new">Nehru's Hero: Dilip Kumar In The Life Of India_ -- Meghnad Desai. 25\. The Twitter threads on Mahmood Farooqui by Kavita Krishnan and Audrey Truschke. 26. https://seenunseen.in/episodes/2018/3/5/episode-58-misogyny-and-our- legal-system/" target="new">Misogyny and our Legal System -- Episode 58 of The Seen and the Unseen (w Madhav Chandavarkar and Hamsini Hariharan). 27. _https://www.amazon.in/Harsha-charita- Banabhatta/dp/1981234276/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=banabhatta&qid=1614472311&s=books&sr=1-1" target="new">The Harshacharita of Banabhatta_. 28. Murty Classical Library of India. 29. _https://www.amazon.in/End-History- Last-Man- ebook/dp/B002RI92EI/ref=tmm_kin_swatch_0?encoding=UTF8&qid=1614472418&sr=8-2" target="new">The End of History and the Last Man -- Francis Fukuyama. 30. _https://www.amazon.in/Light-that-Failed- Reckoning- ebook/dp/B07NQ3JTJ2/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=the+light+that+failed&qid=1614472478&sr=8-1" target="new">The Light that Failed_ -- Ivan Krastev and Stephen Holmes. 31. https://seenunseen.in/episodes/2020/7/5/episode-180-elite-imitation- in-public-policy/" target="new">Elite Imitation in Public Policy -- Episode 180 of The Seen and the Unseen (w Shruti Rajagopalan and Alex Tabarrok). 32. https://www.cato- unbound.org/2008/12/02/lawrence-h-white/what-really-happened" target="new">What Really Happened? — Lawrence H White on the 2008 Financial Crisis. 33. Range Rover -- Archives of Amit Varma's poker column for the Times of India. 34. https://seenunseen.in/episodes/2017/12/4/episode-45-the-bjps-magic- formula/" target="new">The BJP’s Magic Formula -- Episode 45 of The Seen and the Unseen (w Prashant Jha). 35. How the BJP Wins -- Prashant Jha. 36. https://www.amazon.in/Concept-Political- Expanded-Carl-Schmitt- ebook/dp/B004HO5JEM/ref=sr_1_2?keywords=carl+schmitt&qid=1614474082&sr=8-2" target="new"> The Concept of the Political -- Carl Schmitt. 37. Most of Amit Varma’s writing on Demonetisation, collected in one Twitter thread. 38. https://indiauncut.com /lessons-from-an-ankhon-dekhi-prime-minister/" target="new">Lessons from an Ankhon Dekhi Prime Minister -- Amit Varma. 39. https://www.thinkpragati.com/editorial/1971 /beware-useful-idiots/" target="new">Beware of the Useful Idiots -- Amit Varma. 40. https://seenunseen.in/episodes/2021/2/7/episode-211-the-tragedy-of-our- farm-bills/" target="new">The Tragedy of Our Farm Bills -- Episode 211 of The Seen and the Unseen (w Ajay Shah). 41. _https://www.amazon.in/Fun-Home-Tragicomic-Alison- Bechdel/dp/0224080512/ref=sr_1_2?dchild=1&keywords=fun+home&qid=1614474443&sr=8-2" target="new">Fun Home_ -- Alison Bechdel. 42. https://seenunseen.in/episodes/2017/5/15/episode-18-restaurant- regulations/" target="new">Restaurant Regulations in India -- Episode 18 of The Seen and the Unseen (w Madhu Menon). 43. Kalyug -- Shyam Benegal's 1981 film. 44. _https://www.amazon.in/India-After-Gandhi-History- Democracy- ebook/dp/B073WZSLL7/ref=sr_1_3?keywords=ramachandra+guha&qid=1614474931&sr=8-3" target="new">India After Gandhi_ -- Ramachandra Guha. 45\. Ramachandra Guha on The Seen and the Unseen: https://seenunseen.in/episodes/2019/1/21/episode-104-understanding-gandhi- part-1-mohandas/" target="new">1, https://seenunseen.in/episodes/2019/1/28/episode-105 -understanding-gandhi-part-2-mahatma/" target="new">2, https://seenunseen.in/episodes/2020/1/26/episode-157-taking-stock-of-our- republic/" target="new">3, https://seenunseen.in/episodes/2020/11/29/episode-201-a -cricket-tragic-celebrates-the-game/" target="new">4. 46. https://seenunseen.in/episodes/2020/3/15/episode-164-the-ideas- of-our-constitution/" target="new">The Ideas of Our Constitution -- Episode 164 of The Seen and the Unseen (w Madhav Khosla). 47. _https://www.amazon.in/Indias-Founding-Moment- Constitution- Surprising/dp/0674247981/ref=sr_1_1?keywords=india%27s+founding+moment&qid=1584216403&sr=8-1?tag=maswe-21" target="new">India’s Founding Moment_ — Madhav Khosla. 48. Jadunath Sarkar, Jagdish Bhagwati and https://www.amazon.in/Amartya- Sen/e/B0024JEM5E?ref=sr_ntt_srch_lnk_1&qid=1614475837&sr=1-1" target="new">Amartya Sen on Amazon. 49. _https://www.amazon.in/Idea-India-Sunil-Khilnani- ebook/dp/B06XY3CQ6R/ref=sr_1_3?dchild=1&keywords=the+idea+of+india&qid=1614475866&s =digital-text&sr=1-3" target="new">The Idea of India_ -- Sunil Khilnani. 50. _https://www.amazon.in/Indian-Trilogy-V-S-Naipaul- ebook/dp/B01M35WJWO/ref=sr_1_5?dchild=1&keywords=vs+naipaul&qid=1614475913&s =digital-text&sr=1-5" target="new">The Indian Trilogy_ -- VS Naipaul. This episode is sponsored by CTQ Compunds. Check out The Daily Reader and FutureStack. Use the code UNSEEN for Rs 2500 off. Amit has promised to resume The India Uncut Newsletter. So do subscribe, it's free! And check out Amit’s online course, The Art of Clear Writing.
3 years, 6 months ago - 29 plays
लेखक - रबीन्द्रनाथ ठाकुर Writer - Rabindranath Tagore
स्वर - समीर गोस्वामी Narration - Sameer Goswami
3 years, 4 months ago - 34 plays
Sarita Pereira is an ex-advertising professional who quit her successful
career to pursue her passion for food and become one of the most innovative
culinary chefs in the country today. She has trained and worked with a
Michelin Star chef in Spain. Her profound knowledge of cooking techniques
coupled with a mad scientist-like desire to push the boundaries of cooking has
led to an entrepreneurial journey so unique, that it is rightly called “The
You can listen to this show and other awesome shows on the IVM Podcasts app on
5 years, 4 months ago - 1 plays
This is a story in Hindi- Lalchi Gwala, which means the Greedy Milkman. This is a simple story with a deep meaning- that one should not be greedy. You can read more about this story by visiting www.gaatha.co/gwala #jataka #panchatantra #hindi #stories #audio image couresy Prabhjot Singh, Behance.net
8 years, 2 months ago - 8 plays
The winter holiday season is upon us. More Indians are travelling abroad with
great regularity. As a lot of these people are vegetarians and it is difficult
for them to find food that is suitable for them. Many travellers come up with
ingenious ways to deal with the situation and a whole industry is developing
to cater to their needs. In this episode Vikram Doctor sheds light on how
vegetarians manage in places that are not particularly vegetarian friendly.
Music Credit: Josh Woodward
7 years, 9 months ago - 11 plays
Chicken is easy to cook, cheap, widely available and forbidden by no major
religious belief system. So its popularity across India is unsurprising.
However, the reality is often distasteful, as battery farmed chickens are
raised in terrible conditions, and pumped with hormones and antibiotics. In
this episode of The Real Food Podcast, Vikram Doctor finds out how we can
access better chicken and speaks to legendary chef Ananda Solomon on a
successful experiment he ran to get superior quality chickens. Music credit:
Josh Woodward
7 years, 7 months ago - 12 plays
Written by Lovleen Misra Illustrated by Somesh Kumar Published By Pratham
Books (https://storyweaver.org.in/publishers/441-pratham-books) Narrated by
Asawari Doshi Holidays are precious! A celebration of endless summer vacations
in verse. Storyweaver link: https://storyweaver.org.in/stories/43535-chhutti
Our website: http://www.booksthatspeak.com/ Listen to the podcast: iTunes:
http://apple.co/2fVfELtStitcher: https://www.stitcher.com/podcast/books-that-
speakPlayer.fm: https://player.fm/series/books-that-speak-childrens-stories-
in-marathi-hindi-and-gujaratiaudioBoom: https://audioboom.com/channel/books-
that-speak Watch Videos: YouTube: http://bit.ly/2x4LIGX Twitter:
4 years, 9 months ago - 15 plays
Today we bring to you a delightful little story from Japan, about two frogs. One of them lives in Osaka, while the other stays in Kyoto. One day, the decide to visit each other's city. They do now know each other, of course, but when they meet half way on the top of a hill, they become friends. During the process of the conversation, they are curious to see each other's city. What do they discover? Does the frog from Osaka like Kyoto? What about the frog from Kyoto? Listen to this story to learn more. You can subscribe to Baalgatha Podcast on Apple Podcasts, Book My Show Jukebox, Saavn App and now on Google Podcasts. Visit baalgatha.com to learn more. Form there, you can also leave us a review on your favourite podcasting app or site, we will greatly appreciate it!
6 years, 2 months ago - 7 plays
This is the classic story of a crow who finds a jar of water but is unable to
drink any water from it. What does he do to solve this problem? यह एक प्यासे
कौवे की कहानी है जो पानी का एक घड़ा ढूंढता है लेकिन पानी का स्तर काम होने की
वजह से पानी पी नहीं सकता । इस समस्या के समाधान के लिए वह क्या करता है? अब आप
ऐपल पॉडकास्ट, Google पॉडकास्ट, स्टिचर, सावन, कास्टबॉक्स, हुबहॉपर, स्टोरियोह,
और कई अन्य वेबसाइटों और ऐप्स पर आप बालगाथा हिंदी पॉडकास्ट सुनते हैं। You can
subscribe to Baalgatha Podcast on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Storiyoh,
Castbox, Spotify, and other fine websites and apps where you listen to
podcasts. This story was narrated by Madhur Kishore for gaatha story. Music
from Incompetech.com and other sources, used under Creative Commons license.
5 years ago - 165 plays
Releasing the story on National Engineers' Day 15th Sept. - birth anniversary of Sir M. Visvesvaraya. Story written by Mala Kumar. Illustrated by Krupa Thakur-Patil, Sachin Pandit, and Sheshadri Mokshagundam. Photographs provided by Visvesvaraya National Memorial Trust. Published by Pratham Books. Narrated by Asawari Doshi. As a child, Vishwa walked a long way to get to school. As a college student, he tutored two children to make ends meet. And as an engineer, he built dams, bridges and institutions, and the foundation for a modern India. Story's Video: https://youtu.be/erPd0EMQC4s Our website: http://www.booksthatspeak.com/ Listen to the podcast: iTunes: http://apple.co/2fVfELt Stitcher: https://www.stitcher.com/podcast/books-that- speak Player.fm: https://player.fm/series/books-that-speak-childrens-stories-in- marathi-hindi-and-gujarati" target="new">https://player.fm/series/books-that-speak-childrens-stories-in-marathi-hindi- and-gujarati audioBoom: [](https://audioboom.com/channel/books- that-speak) audioboom.com/channel/books-that- speak Watch Videos: YouTube: http://bit.ly/2x4LIGX Twitter: https://twitter.com/booksthatspeak
6 years ago - 9 plays
See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy
1 year, 12 months ago - 29 plays
Book Title: Pustak Na Vachnari Mulgi (A girl who doesnot read books) Published
by: Jyotsna Prakashan, Pune Language: Marathi Link to purchase this book
online :
/pustak-na-vachnari-mulgi-jp168 Video for this Book Recommendation:
https://youtu.be/zvmh2sx76TU This book is a beautiful example of two parallel
stories in the same book - one by author and another by illustrator. Totally
opposite daily routine of a girl and her parents. Parents are just in love
with the books, so much that books are everywhere in the house. And for the
girl, books are just obstacles, unnecessary. What happens next when the heap
of books fall on the ground in that girl's room? Listen to the podcast:
iTunes: http://apple.co/2fVfELt Stitcher: https://www.stitcher.com/podcast
/books-that-speak Player.fm: https://player.fm/series/books-that-speak-
childrens-stories-in-marathi-hindi-and-gujarati audioBoom:
https://audioboom.com/channel/books-that-speak Watch Videos: YouTube:
http://bit.ly/2x4LIGX Twitter: https://twitter.com/booksthatspeak
4 years, 7 months ago - 3 plays
#RedFM #RedFMDelhi #Raunac #Bauaa
8 years, 3 months ago - 1 plays
At the moment, Lando Norris is the only 'thing' about Formula 1 that's
operating. The Mclaren racer has become a Twitch sensation - entertaining the
much-deprived fans with lots of virtual racing action. If we were MotoGP,
Formula E and the Indy Car series, we'd invite Norris to race virtually in our
series, too. We like how Norris is building his positioning in Formula 1 -
fast, friendly, social and funny; a positioning that actually clashes with the
other jokester of Formula 1, Daniel Ricciardo. In this episode of the Inside
Line F1 Podcast (https://bit.ly/insidelinef1pod) , we discuss if Bernie
Ecclestone's comments are worthy of the 'Chairman Emeritus' of Formula 1. He's
advised Mercedes to leave Formula 1. Are Flavio Briatore's views generally
disagreeable? We tell you why a possible delay of the new rules to 2023 is
actually good a decision for the business of Formula 1. Lastly, let's applaud
all of Formula 1's engineering and financial might coming together to fight
the virus. Tune in! (Season 2020, Episode 12) Here's what's in store for you
in this episode: 0:00-3:00 - Lando Norris and Daniel Ricciardo - the fight to
be Formula 1's best jokester? 3:00-6:00 - How soon before Norris live-streams
his entire life on Twitch? 6:00-9:00 - Just how many of Flavio Briatore's
statements are agreeable? Michael Schumacher had it tougher than Lewis
Hamilton? Hamilton not being put under pressure by a rival? 9:00-12:00 -
Bernie Ecclestone's comments not worthy of a person who's the 'Chairman
Emeritus' of Formula 1 12:00-15:00 - A new candidate makes himself eligible
for Sebastian Vettel's seat at Ferrari - it's none other than Daniil Kvyat
15:00-18:00 - Is Formula 1 right in delaying the new rule changes to 2023
(possibly!)? Let's applaud Formula 1's foresight in dealing with the economic
impact of the corona-virus. 18:00-21:00 - Formula 1 needs all existing teams
to stay in the sport, at least in the near future. Will FOM release advances
or a stimulus package to help teams stay afloat? 21:00-end: Let's applaud all
of Formula 1's efforts to help fight the virus. We're putting all our
engineering might together for a good worldly cause. Subscribe via our magic
link (https://bit.ly/insidelinef1pod) that works on all devices & platforms!
Official Page: Facebook (http://bit.ly/insidelineonfacebook) Follow our hosts
on Twitter: Mithila Mehta (http://www.twitter.com/mith_m) and Kunal Shah
(http://www.twitter.com/kunalashah) Music courtesy: Lucien Byfieldt
Image courtesy: Lando Norris / Twitter / Twitch
4 years, 5 months ago - 8 plays
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